Wednesday, April 30, 2008

What's cooking?

Week 7 has been very enlightening. is a great tool on both a personal and professional level. I will certainly be tidying up my favourites at home & using to manage them, as well as extend them through social networking.

It will also be useful to have access to bookmarks when away from home.

For members of the public is very empowering in that it allows them to create user friendly tags that are accessible to others. The networking possibilities are endless!

Technorati, WOW, what can I say. I'm excited. Am looking forward to using it on a recreational level to follow people cruising the world - something that I would like to think that I might do in coming years.

Am puzzled about the difference in search results, but will follow that up at work.

Love LibraryThing. It has HUGE potential use. I will, however, have to get over the feeling that I am snooping when I am looking at which books other contributors have in their library. It's a bit like having access to your own worldwide bookclub. I'm wondering if I can my mother using it? She's technically savvy enough..

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